Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Performance of Microsoft Corporation and Oracle Corporation Essay

The Performance of Microsoft Corporation and Oracle Corporation - Essay Example Oracle, on the other hand has a net income of almost half as of with Microsoft, but has shown a growth of 17% which shows the company is progressing in the right direction. Account Receivables According to the balance sheets, the accounts receivable was $14,987 million in 2011 and $15780 million in 2012. The percentage of debtors compared to total revenues were 21.42 % (14987/69943 * 100) in 2011 and again 21.40 % (15780 /73723 *100) in 2012. On the other hand, Oracle, had accounts receivable of $6,628 million in 2011 and $6377 million in 2012. This as a percentage of total revenues was 18.6 % (6628/35622 *100) in 2011 and came down to 17.18 % (6377/37121 *100) in 2012. This indicates a tightening policy and Oracle started collecting cash quickly. Hence, Oracle has shown a positive trend making a good impact on its current assets, and in case of liquidation, it receives cash faster and might be offering cash discounts in order to speedup the collection. And as for Microsoft has been consistent with its debtors policy and has not made much effort in reducing the debtors collection period. Account Payables The accounts payable of Microsoft for 2011 were $4197 million and $4175 million in 2012. For Oracle, the creditors figure was $494 million in 2011 and $438 million in 2012. The accounts payable for Oracle was significantly lower. Also calculated as a percentage of the total costs the accounts payable for Oracle were significantly lower. This indicates that Oracle pays of its creditors earlier. This might be possible so that Oracle can avail cash discounts and not keep long credit term period. Inventory Looking at the past years balance sheet, it can be concluded that both of the firms were successful in reducing their inventory level over the past...However, this is not of due importance, the respective companies have been consistent with this over the years and this will not affect our analysis. Looking at the past years balance sheet, it can be concluded that both of the firms were successful in reducing their inventory level over the past two years. Microsoft reduced their inventory level from $1,372 million in 2011 to $1,137 million in 2012. This shows a decrease in inventory level of 17% over the year. On the other hand, Oracle was able to reduce the inventory level by 48% which is almost the half from the previous year. The company’s inventory level declined from $303 million in 2011 to $158 million in 2012. The above comparison of inventory level shows that Oracle has been able to reduce its cost of holding inventory such as cost to insure, track and storage cost. An inventory shows the firm’s investment tied up in form of stock until the good is sold. It also indicates that Oracle would have a better quick ratio which is a better measure of liquidity than current ratio. This ratio excludes inventory from current ratio as it is difficult for firms to convert inventory into stock. Also, Oracle might have a better inven tory management system as they might be using just-in-time method for their inventory, where company receives inventory only when needed or they might have a better a sales forecast in comparison to Microsoft.

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