Thursday, September 26, 2019

Information power inside an organization Research Proposal

Information power inside an organization - Research Proposal Example The aim of this research work is to study and identify the fundamentals of information power that exist within an organization in association with organizational behavior. Additionally the role played by information power in decision making shall also be discussed. Power distance supports the concept of inequality on physical and intellectual basis within an organization. Women in Canada are able to seek career promotions because over there people are more concerned about individualism as opposed to India where women have comparatively less chances of promotions due to power distance and lack of individualism (Aruna Chandra, 2002). First of all I shall be discussing the main aims and objectives of the research work along with the basic definitions of the terminologies. Then there would be a detailed literature review related to the topic. Subsequently I will mention the conceptual framework, research methodology and finally the findings followed by a brief and comprehensive conclusion. The author has critically analyzed the business activities in India and subsequently its comparison is built with US and Canada. This book will be helpful for me so as to define power distance with respect to Indian and Canadian organization. This research article has discussed the role of information in relation to power exercised over the employees in Finish Food Industry. The relationship between buyer and seller is greatly influenced by the information power and therefore it must be handled carefully. I shall be doing the primary research which includes collection of related data, facts and figures. It would be an online data collection process. Research articles from well-known and authentic websites shall be used. Additionally some of the renowned books published on the subject shall also be considered. Deadline for submission is 9th April, 2013. Therefore the

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