Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Project Management for Willowbrook School -myassignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about theProject Management for Willowbrook School. Answer: Strategic planning for development of information system within the Willowbrook School is defined as a procedure that helps in creating a portfolio that is basically dependent on the utilization of information system for achieving the organizational goals as well as objectives. Strategic planning is generally done in organizations for ensuring that the information system is helpful in accomplishing the goals and also helps in gaining competitive advantage. The strategic planning is helpful in establishing proper realistic goals and objectives related with mission and vision of the organization. It generally helps in providing a base with which the progress can be measured easily. The Willowbrook School can easily manage the increased enrollments as well as other operation of the school quite properly after the development of information system. Preliminary investigation is required to be done before the development of the information system and it is considered as one of the first step in the system development project. It is defined as one of the way with which the requests of the users are handled for enhancing as well as improving the operation of the organization. The system investigation generally includes the following: Understanding the problem: It is quite important to understand the problem of the organization so that significance of current system can be identified for making modifications within the existing operation. Defining scope and constraints: The scope as well as constraints of the project must be defined in order provide clear idea about the project. Performing fact finding: This technique must be performed for collecting proper information with the help of the new information system in the school. Analyzing cost, benefit as well as usability: It is quite important to analyze the data of the project in order to estimate the cost, benefit as well as usability of the system properly. Evaluating feasibility: The feasibility study of the information system is very much important for ensuring that the project can be easily handled by the users. Providing recommendations: Proper recommendation must be provided in order to estimate the time as well as cost of project development. Conducting fact-finding The lists of people who are interviewed are provided below: Director (Victoria Owens) Principal (Kathy Gillard) Vice Principal (Susan brown) Administrative assistant (Michelle Madrid) Full time teachers Part time teachers Financial committee Various fact finding techniques are as follows: Research: this fact finding technique is utilized for examining the problem that is previously solved by other sources. Questionnaires: This fact finding technique is utilized for collecting information from large number of users of the Willowbrook School. Interviews: Interview is one of the techniques that is utilized for collecting information from face to face interviews. The interview is utilized for finding, verifying as well as clarifying requirements for developing information system. Prototyping: This fact-finding technique helps in collecting the various requirements facts of the system. Affect on the information system by internal and external system The external factors that affect the information system development include social, political, economical as well as technological whereas the internal factors like funding, investment opportunities,, physical resource, presence of resources as well as facilities affect the development of the information system It is identified that internal factor affect the development of information system more in comparison to external factors because if Willowbrook School does not arrange the equipments, funding, resources properly then the implementation of the information system will not be possible. In order to implement the information system it is very much significant to organize the funding as well as resources for the project properly for making it successful. List of recommendations The lists of recommendations that are quite important for development of the information system for the Willowbrook School are as follows: Proper security System: Proper security must be provided so that sensitive data should not be misused. Software license: Proper software licensing is present so that all the applications related with the information system must run on the system. Technical support: Proper technical equipment as well as support must be present in order to develop the information system for the Willowbrook School. Bibliography Alston, P., Knuckey, S. (Eds.). (2016).The transformation of human rights fact-finding. Oxford University Press. Cassidy, A. (2016).A practical guide to information systems strategic planning. CRC press. Gordon, K., Pohl, J., Bouchard, M. (2014). Investment Treaty Law, Sustainable Development and Responsible Business Conduct: A Fact Finding Survey. Kalyva, A. E., Vagia, E. C., Konstandopoulos, A. G., Srinivasa, A. 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