Tuesday, November 5, 2019

9 LinkedIn Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

9 LinkedIn Marketing Tips for Small Businesses On July 10, 2014, Social Media Examiner quoted me in their compilation article 9 LinkedIn Marketing Tips From the Pros. Since I often receive questions about how companies can use LinkedIn for their marketing efforts, I thought it would be valuable to share this post with you. If you are a job seeker, all but the first of these tips apply to you! Here’s what you’ll learn about strategies to boost your LinkedIn marketing: Use LinkedIn Sponsored Updates to build credibility and exposure. Use LinkedIn’s analytics to make sure you’re getting sufficient value from your investment. (I have not used this feature but it might be the right strategy for some businesses.) Add Rich Visual Content to Your LinkedIn Profile to spice up its look and feel! Implement Influence Networking (Build real, personalized, ongoing relationships) to stand out from your competitors. Offer Value in Discussion Groups (Provide quality content to prospective buyers) to establish thought leadership and trust. Optimize Your Personal Profile (How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile is a great start for this!) Tag Your Connections in Posts using the @ symbol followed by the person’s name. Focus on Small, Local Discussion Groups to make the biggest impact with your discussion participation (this was my contribution to the article!) Develop Relationships Instead of Adding Connections, through both your personal and company pages. Don’t Treat LinkedIn Like an Online Version of Your Resume – instead, be creative with your presentation of what you can do for your customers. Sell yourself based on the problems you can solve. (If you are a job seeker, you might be thinking you need to have an online version of your resume. But you can take a creative approach rather than create a carbon copy on LinkedIn. Consider what will sell you the best to a prospective employer and write your profile that way!) For expanded information on each one of these points, check out the full article at 9 LinkedIn Marketing Tips From the Pros. And if you’re a small business looking for ongoing LinkedIn marketing support, please contact us at teesupport@theessayexpert.com. We have experts we can refer you to!

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