Thursday, December 26, 2019

Analyzing Adam Smiths and Thomas Malthus Ideologies on Human Nature, Freedom Free Essay Example, 2000 words

The economic condition of the person is likely to worsen with the pace of time majorly because of innovations making difficult to maintain a pace with the needs of the human population. Furthermore, it was observed by Malthus that the rate of population growth generally can be observed at a geometric rate unlike the growth of food production at an arithmetic rate. Thomas Malthus was also of the opinion that capitalism generally leads to disparity in the distribution of income apparently contradicting that frugality can be of great significance to overall economic growth (University of California Museum of Palaeontology, 2012). However, it needs to be mentioned in this regards that Adam Smith also did not render much significance to the aspect of frugality in human nature explaining a moderate inclusion of the aspect in the economic growth process (Smith, 1776). From a similar perspective, Thomas Malthus favoured moral self-control as a check on population and its growth rate, espe cially in the case of the lower-income economic classes. Hence, according to his theory, the people belonging to lower social classes were assumed to take a larger proportion of accountability for social ills (Malthus, 1798). We will write a custom essay sample on Analyzing Adam Smiths and Thomas Malthus Ideologies on Human Nature, Freedom or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page They made use of various reasons in order to suggest abstract theories related to numerous aspects of human society such as economics as well as population.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Movie Analysis The Truman Show - 1543 Words

On June 5th, 1998, The Truman Show was released to critical acclaim. Starring Jim Carrey in an uncharacteristic dramatic role, the movie blew past its budget at the box office earning over 264 million dollars (Movie Index, A-Z). Less than a year later on march 26, 1999, an identical movie with a similar plot premiered. Edtv performed poorly at the box office despite its star studded cast, making almost 50 million under budget (Movie Index, A-Z). The crew included popular dramatic actors including Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson as well as actress and television host Ellen Degeneres. Both films are a mix of comedy and drama with eerily matching plots. The Truman Show is about a man unknowingly being the star of a popular TV show, where each moment of his life from birth is broadcasted to millions without his knowledge. Each scene follows the main character as he slowly unwinds and discovers the fake world that was made just for him. On the other hand, Edtv is about a man who f alls into a contract allowing his every waking moment to be recorded and shown on television. The contract seems benign at first but soon erupts into familial and romantic woes. Despite the similar genres, plots, and relative level of actor talent and notoriety, The Truman Show was a success, while Edtv a failure. I will be analyzing why each respective movie either failed or succeeded based on how well each film appealed to the audience they shared. In order to to understand the type ofShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Movie The Truman Show 1439 Words   |  6 Pagesin the movie, The Truman Show that was released in 1998, distributed by Paramount Pictures, directed by Peter Weir, and includes stars such as Jim Carrey, Laura Linney, Natasha McElhone and many more. There is a crucial need to criticize the media in order to explore the way something is presented and to be sure that we are thinking for ourselves because the media is not always accurate in its portrayal of facts. The Truman Show is a non-stop, 24 hour live broadcast of a man named Truman BurbankRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie The Truman Show 1115 Words   |  5 PagesThe Truman Show (1998), directed by Peter Weir is a satirical portrayal of our American culture and our media. It’s a distorted version of our own modern reality. Everything having to do with the virtual Truman Show is about consumerism. It starts from Truman Burbank himself. He lives a commercialized life. His whole life is a television show to get the best ratings. He is the personification of our consumer society. The television show in the movie is an exaggerated version of our own media thatRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie Truman Show 1822 Words   |  8 Pagesfor television? The Truman Show is a film where a man for his whole life has been filmed for the entertainment of others and doesn’t even realize that he is on camera at all times. There are a few scenes that will be discussed whether the scene is able to provide a religious experience. The Truman Show is about a man named Truman Burbank. Before he was even born a large corporation adopted him to use as the main character for their television show. Throughout the movie, Truman slowly starts to noticeRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie The Truman Show 1081 Words   |  5 Pages The Truman Show is a 1998 comedy-drama starring Jim Carrey as Truman Burbank, a man born and raised in the town of Seahaven, Florida. What Truman doesn’t initially realize, however, is that Seahaven is a giant television set, filled with many thousands of cameras. Truman’s life is being broadcast worldwide, controlled from above by the creator, Christof. Truman lives his life in blissful ignorance while Christof pulls all of the strings and controls the direction of Truman’s life. Everyone inRead MoreRhetorical Analysis of The Truman Show1521 Words   |  7 Pages What I aim to do with this rhetorical analysis is bring forth to the reader a deeply immersive look at the rhetorical concepts present in the film The Truman Show. It is important for a viewer to fully understand the underlying messages and subtle undertones in between the lines, so to speak. The Truman Show is one man’s life being played out in a closed environment for the entertainment of the outside world. Most important to note, Truman Burbank has no clue that his whole life has been littleRead MoreManipulated Free Will Essay1372 Words   |  6 Pagesthing or things make them happy is just as important as their right to be unhappy. In Huxley’s novel and in the film, The Truman Show, freedom is so manipulated and tainted that by todays standards it could not be considered freedom at all. In both Brave New World and The Truman Show it shows the negative effects this type of society can cause. In both the novel and film it shows how drug or substance abuse must be enforced to pacify and conditioning are used a means to control the subject or subjectsRead More Truman Capotes In Cold Blood: Novel vs Movie Essay1611 Words   |  7 Pagesnonfiction story by Truman Capote. This book presents one of the worst murders in history. It was a best seller worldwide, and turned into a successful movie. As usual the movie does not stand up to the book. If you want more knowledge of the townspeople, victims and more insight into the trial, more background details of the murders, you should read the book. If you are interested in history and a good murder mystery all in the confines of a book cover, read In Cold Blood by Truman Capote. WhileRead MoreSynthesis of Truman Show and Platos Allegory of the Cave1440 Words   |  6 PagesCritical Analysis of The Truman Show and Platos Allegory of the Cave When The Truman Show was released in 1998, it was just another popular Hollywood flick, but its story is closely related to Platos Allegory of the Cave. The plot line for the movie follows this classic tale in many ways, some more obvious then others. As with most cinematic treachery, the movies similarities are no coincidence. The writers drew from Platos classic because it is such a universal story and is somethingRead MoreTruman Capote and Rachel Armstrong: Analysis of Critical Movie Characters1171 Words   |  5 PagesTruman Capote and Rachel Armstrong Critical Movie Character Analysis How the characters are positioned as Outsiders, in their lives and in the films (i.e. how do they behave as outsiders in their on-screen world, amongst friends, family, colleagues, etc., and how does the film emphasize that outsider position). The two characters, Truman Capote and Rachel Armstrong, are definitely to be considered outsiders. They both live outside the realm of what could be considered a normal life by mostRead MoreAnalysis Of Truman Capote s Novel The Cold Blood Genre 1320 Words   |  6 PagesName: Amy Nguyen Date: 9/30/15 Period: 5 Book Title: In Cold Blood Genre: Nonfiction novel (Crime) Author: Truman Capote Number of pages: 343 Brief Summary and â€Å"Arrangement† of the Book: †¢ This book was arranged in some scenes within four chapters. As you read the book, you see that it is formatted similar to a movie or a documentary. Similar to a crime documentary, where we already knew who committed the early in the book, but as the book goes on we find out what their motives and

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Evaluation of a Particular Contextual Factorâ€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Evaluation of a particular contextual factor? Answer: Introduction The aim of the following report is to have an in-depth evaluation of a particular contextual factor, which would be convenient for an organization, which has been chosen and discussed in the previous assignment. Therefore, the focus of the present assignment would be to assess the credibility of the chosen contextual factor for the particular business practice discussed in the assignment one. The assessment of the chosen contextual factor would be pursued in order to understand whether the considered organizational factor would be able to enhance the business practice of the organization. Considering the perspective regarding the business organization presented in the previous one, the contextual factor of corporate governance would be appropriate, as corporate governance is essential for the fruitful management of the internal factors of an organization. Through having a thorough discussion about the considered contextual factor corporate governance, the following report will reach to a proper conclusion. It will help in making appropriate recommendations about how the contextual factor can be properly utilized for enhancing internal factors of the organization. It can be anticipated here that the evaluation of the aspect of governance or corporate governance will be helpful for acquiring a better management perspective. Discussion Prior to identify and evaluate the significance of the considered contextual factor, it is essential to have a clear and concise idea about the term in the organizational context. In terms of one of the essential contextual factors, the term governance or corporate governance is known to be a particular system or set of particular organizational procedures, practices as well as rules (Tricker Tricker, 2015). Based on the Australian Institute of Company Directors, the phrase corporate governance is indicative of a particular aspect in the organizational business context that encompasses all the policies, regulations, relationships, systems and processes, which every organizational authority requires to exercise as well as maintain (Van Grembergen De Haes, 2017). In this context, it should be mentioned that the fundamental attributes of corporate governance is formed by both the internal and external factors of an organization, which means constitution, policies of an organization, expectation from the communities and legal regulations highly determine the fundamental attributes of corporate governance (Acharya et al., 2013). According to Larcker Tayan (2015), corporate governance is responsible for balancing the interests of the board of the directors of an organization as well as of the executives and stakeholders of an organization. Moreover, corporate governance assists an organization by designing a distinct format considering the organizational aims and visions. The format provided by corporate governance helps in establishing objectives according to the organizational mission, vision and further it shows the convenient methods for achieving those objectives. Predominantly, there are three kinds of corporate governance styles, which are dual board, partnership management and Unitary Board (Claessens Yurtoglu, 2013). Adoption of the Unitary Board kind of corporate governance means that an organization is having a board of directors and non-executives who do not possess any potential bond with a particular organization prior to their appointment. When an organization pursues unitary board in terms o f corporate governance, the organization obtains smooth flow of communication among the executive individuals though most of the time, the executive members hold extremely potential roles. Consequently, they determine formulation of each of the organizational policies (Starbuck, 2014). On the other hand, several times organizations prefer to keep a separate supervisory board along with a separate management board in order to pursue a satisfactory and risk less authorial maintenance within the organization. It has been understood that the joint operation of a management and a supervisory board generally work under the corporate governance, which is known as the dual board. If an organization pursues the dual board corporate governance style, two of the aforementioned boards work independently and consequently the organization loses a fluid communication process (Westphal Zajac, 2013). As per the reason that in the dual board governance system, the shareholders play the main role in electing the supervisory board, most of the time the corporate governance becomes partial. However, it has been further understood that in the partnership management kind of corporate governance, an organization achieves a high involvement from the board as well as the top management (La rcker Tayan, 2015). According to Khan et al. (2013), in terms of corporate governance, the partnership management style works best. In the partnership management style, the board members of an organization give active participation in each of the committee works as per the reason that they have constantly give feedback to the hierarchy. Henceforth, it is understandable that, in the partnership management style an organization can fruitfully pursue a transparency and constant support from both the board of directors and the management (Bushee et al., 2013). In this respect, it is required to mention the fundamental mechanism, which helps an organizations corporate governance in efficiently maintaining its fundamental responsibilities, are the internal, external mechanism and the independent audit. The internal mechanism acts as the control devices, which not only monitors the organizational activities as well as progress of the organization but also assists an enterprise in taking corrective actions in crucial times (Zahra, 2014). On the other side, with the external mechanism, corporate governance helps an organization in meeting the objectives of external aspects like the regulation board, government, varied trade unions and most importantly the financial companies. Therefore, it can be contemplated that the corporate governance is an efficient contextual factor that helps in pursuing debt management as well as legal compliance. Most significantly, with the help of the mechanism of independent audit, corporate governance guides an org anization in the right direction to serve financial statement to both external and internal stakeholders (Berger et al., 2016). It has been further understood that by providing financial statement to the internal as well as external stakeholders organizational authorities successfully present the financial performances of the organization to each of the engaged stakeholders. It can be therefore asserted that corporate governance is such an essential facet of an organization without which it cannot operate in a systematic and successful way. It is also required to mention that an organization needs to consider legal acts and regulations imposed by an organization. It has been identified above that corporate governance is itself is a mechanism that takes the responsibility to accomplish as well as monitor an organizations internal and external operation and outcomes. Therefore, understandably in order to deal with some of the crucial external aspects like government and government imposed laws, a potential hold on corporate governance is required (Larcker Tayan, 2015). It has been found out that a business organization has to abide by certain legal acts and regulations and in order to have a legal existence in the society, an organization should oblige to those laws, which are designed by individual government. In Australia, a business enterprise is suppo se to maintain minimum Corporation Act 2001 and Australian Securities and Investment law 2001, which are considered to be the commonwealth legislations of Australia (Zahra, 2014). It should be considered that a business organization could not abide the aforementioned laws, if the organization does not have a proper corporate governance system. Corporate governance itself acts like an organizational law that formulates duties and procedures and at the same time monitors whether those are being accomplished appropriately or not. According to the corporation act the boards of directors or the individuals who are responsible for pursuing the acts of corporate governance are obliged to fulfill the duty of care and diligence, act in the best interest of a company and the duty of preventing an organization from external and internal risks (Tricker Tricker, 2015). The statutory duties as propagated by the Australian corporation act 2001 are indicative of the fact that it is not possible for an organization to maintain a legal existence in the market. Therefore, the aforementioned discourse of evaluation is indicative of the fact that corporate governance is an asset for an organization, which not only serves for the maintenance of an organizations internal and external aspects but also helps in maintaining a legal existence of the enterprise in the business market. Conclusion From the above discourse, it has been understood that corporate governance is an essential organizational component, without which it is not possible for an organization to maintain smooth internal and external operations. Additionally, the above discourse gives hint of the fact that in order to keep a legal existence in the market; a business organization essentially should have potential organizational governance. Recommendations For the organization presented in Assignment one appropriate kind of corporate governance and required activities would be the partnership management governance. It is because with the help of partnership management, the organization could maintain a transparent working culture. At the same time flexible communication as well as continuous modification in the management and other organizational activities will be efficiently maintained. The activities, which would assist the organization in pursuing fruitful partnership management governance, are Establish a board of efficient directors Recruit experienced and trustworthy individuals for the position of management Continuous monitoring on organizational performance Conduct risk assessment and thereafter risk management Ensure all the managers and the directors have the adequate amount of information they requir References Acharya, V. V., Gottschalg, O. F., Hahn, M., Kehoe, C. (2013). Corporate governance and value creation: Evidence from private equity.Review of Financial Studies,26(2), 368-402. Berger, A. N., Imbierowicz, B., Rauch, C. (2016). The roles of corporate governance in bank failures during the recent financial crisis.Journal of Money, Credit and Banking,48(4), 729-770. Bushee, B. J., Carter, M. E., Gerakos, J. (2013). Institutional investor preferences for corporate governance mechanisms.Journal of Management Accounting Research,26(2), 123-149. Claessens, S., Yurtoglu, B. B. (2013). Corporate governance in emerging markets: A survey.Emerging markets review,15, 1-33. Khan, A., Muttakin, M. B., Siddiqui, J. (2013). Corporate governance and corporate social responsibility disclosures: Evidence from an emerging economy.Journal of business ethics,114(2), 207-223. Larcker, D., Tayan, B. (2015).Corporate governance matters: A closer look at organizational choices and their consequences. Pearson Education. Larcker, D., Tayan, B. (2015).Corporate governance matters: A closer look at organizational choices and their consequences. Pearson Education. Starbuck, W. H. (2014). Why corporate governance deserves serious and creative thought.The Academy of Management Perspectives,28(1), 15-21. Tricker, R. B., Tricker, R. I. (2015).Corporate governance: Principles, policies, and practices. Oxford University Press, USA. Van Grembergen, W., De Haes, S. (2017, January). Introduction to IT Governance and Its Mechanisms Minitrack. InProceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Westphal, J. D., Zajac, E. J. (2013). A behavioral theory of corporate governance: Explicating the mechanisms of socially situated and socially constituted agency.Academy of Management Annals,7(1), 607-661. Zahra, S. A. (2014). Public and corporate governance and young global entrepreneurial firms.Corporate Governance: An International Review,22(2), 77-83.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Suicide in the Trenches Essay Example

Suicide in the Trenches Paper In the poem Suicide in the Trenches Siegfried Sassoon uses figurative language, descriptive detail, tone, structure and sound to create a powerful impression of the horror and wastage of war. War is viewed as a product of ignorance and it is equated with intense suffering and the destruction of all that is beautiful and innocent. The first stanza of the poem depicts a boy who is too simple or naive to understand the true horrific nature of war. The boy is described as carefree with no worries and sees nothing bad in life; he was a normal boy. He is able to sleep with no worries in a lonesome place with no light or hope unaware that his life is to change dramatically. The tone in this stanza is quiet upbeat for a poem that is about war and death. The boy symbolizes all the guys that went to war for us and lost their lives in many different horrific situations. We will write a custom essay sample on Suicide in the Trenches specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Suicide in the Trenches specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Suicide in the Trenches specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Stanza two presents imagery, which provides a stark contrast to the descriptive detail in stanza one. We notice the effects of war on this once innocent and simple boy. Sassoon describes the trenches as being a cold and depressing place with below average living standards. In the third line the boy puts a bullet through his brain a quick and deliberate end to his life. The pressure of war got to him and with a pull of the trigger he was forgotten about, as many soldier boys were when they passed on. Stanza three uses powerful and confronting language to highlight the fact that the war is based on ignorance and hypocrisy. By the abrupt use of the second person to open the stanza it makes the opening line seem confronting and vulgar. Sassoon put the people to shame by telling them to sneak home for they are cowards. This stanza has an angry tone to it, which creates guilt to the readers. Suicide in the Trenches is an antiwar poem, which appeals to both emotions and interest to the audience because of its effective use of techniques and language.